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for Happier, More Fulfilling Relation- ships, by Richard Templar. [1] |
Sharon Powers.
Harry had been gone for two hours after he had stormed out of the house and slammed the door. I started to "pack a few of the things" I would need, into my suitcase...I had decided to go and stay with my sister for a while. As I zipped up my suitcase, I heard a car door close, just outside in the driveway--I cursed quietly, to myself. He was coming in. The door opened and Harry saw me standing there with my suitcase.
He looked shocked and, I think, sad. "I made you want to leave?" he asked, barely above a whisper. I cleared my throat..."Well...you told me to leave, didn't you?" He was quiet for a moment. "I didn't mean it. I was foolish to tell you to leave, and I'm sorry." He asked me, "Where are you going?" I look at my feet, I said, "I was going to my sister's, but...I think I'll stay here." I look up and see him smiling; I smile back. Then, we spend a couple of hours talking about things and how we both felt. I think we both learned some things. (This story is from Wattpad: One Direction Preferences; How He Apologizes After An Argument [2].)
This marvelous little story tells of Harry apologizing to the woman he loves. We can empathize with the couple as they struggle to make amends after a serious argument. If the woman in the story had understood the "Rules of Love," she could have apologized first when Harry came back into the room. We will learn from Richard Templar, that she could have apologized, not for being wrong, but for letting the argument degenerate into the yelling and anger that occurred.
This week's post is about how you can have, as the author puts it, "Happier, More Fulfilling Relation- ships."The Author, Richard Templar, is also the author of the international best selling title, The Rules of Life. Richard Templar, in fact, has a whole series of books about, "The Rules of _____." Some of the titles are: The Rules of Management: The Definitive Guide to Managerial Success; The Rules of Wealth: A Personal Code for Prosperity; The Rules of Parenting: A Personal Code of Raising Happy Confident Children; The Rules of Work, Expanded Edition: A Definitive Code for Personal Success; How To Get Things Done (without trying too hard), Expanded Edition, and The Rules of Money, How to Make It and How to Hold on to It.
He looked shocked and, I think, sad. "I made you want to leave?" he asked, barely above a whisper. I cleared my throat..."Well...you told me to leave, didn't you?" He was quiet for a moment. "I didn't mean it. I was foolish to tell you to leave, and I'm sorry." He asked me, "Where are you going?" I look at my feet, I said, "I was going to my sister's, but...I think I'll stay here." I look up and see him smiling; I smile back. Then, we spend a couple of hours talking about things and how we both felt. I think we both learned some things. (This story is from Wattpad: One Direction Preferences; How He Apologizes After An Argument [2].)
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The Rules of Life by Richard Templar.[3] |
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The Rules of Money by Richard Templar.[4] |
If any of the above-listed titles interest you, know that they are all based on the simple premise of including a hundred simple rules for success (in each of the areas listed, above). Richard Templar (a pen name) shares with you the rules he utilized on his own "path to success." To help you decide whether one or more of these titles might be what you are looking for, I've decided to review for you, The Rules of Love: A Personal Code for Happier, More Fulfilling Relationships.
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Do you know what it takes to succeed at love? [5] |
Richard Templar reminds us that we all know a lot about love, having lived and experienced life, and that these 100 rules are really reminders about what we should all be doing to be successful in love. They are, perhaps, a crystallization, of concepts that we just haven't given much thought to or that we've forgotten about. Templar reminds us that there isn't a "magic bullet" or "magic wand" that can be used to solve all our love problems. It takes desire as well as work to get where we want to go.
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Is there a "magic wand" to fix your relationship problems? [6] |
Richard Templar organizes the book logically, into sections to make the book easy to use. He puts the Rules For Finding Love, logically enough, in Part 1. Relationship Rules take up all of Part II. Rules For Parting fall under Part III., Part IV is Family Rules, Part V. is Friendship Rules, and finally, Part VI. is devoted to Rules for Everyone.
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Hmmmmm? [7] |
Many gems exist in this book. I have to say I was quite impressed about the section dealing with arguments with a loved-one. Richard Templar acknowledges that none of us really want to have a falling out with someone we love, but it has, at some point in our lives, happened. He asks us what we want to do about it.
Richard Templar's answer is not what we want to hear. Not what we want to do. Not even something we want to contemplate. When I read the book, I knew the answer, and I'll bet you do too, don't you? Yes, the answer is that you "apologize." And, here's the kicker...you must do it before they do it. You must be the first.
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The concept of apologizing first has been around for a while. Maybe we should all take it to heart. [8] |
And, while it does take two people to fight, what you are really apologizing for is letting the argument happen at all, for being childish, if you will, and for all the mistakes you made to get to the point you are at right now. Remember, you are apologizing for letting things get overheated and out of hand, "not your original opinion or action" (p.69). In this, you are going to be an adult; you are going to take the high road.
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To build anything in a relationship is beautiful. Building a bridge to another person, and then crossing it to meet them by apologizing is a "radical gift." [9] |
This quote comes from the section entitled, "Guilt Is a Selfish Emotion." Richard Templar explains that guilt is all about "Me, me, me" (p220). Guilt is about how terrible my life is, and the emotion centers itself entirely on the self. When that happens, we are so busy thinking about ourselves that we don't have time for others. Here is my favorite quote:
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Realize it is a choice! [10] |
Babbling on about how you feel, how terrible it is for you, is unacceptable. That's why this is a Rule of Love. because in order to love people usefully you need to be focused on them and not on yourself. You need to stop seeking attention and think about other people. I've known people who thrived on guilt. People who would look for things to feel guilty about. Why? Because it's the easiest way in the world to focus all your love on yourself. Don't give in to it. If you've done something bad, make amends and move on. Just one other thing. If you do catch yourself feeling guilty about something, just stop. Don't feel guilty about feeling guilty...IN ORDER TO LOVE PEOPLE USEFULLY YOU NEED TO BE FOCUSED ON THEM AND NOT ON YOURSELF (pp 220-221).
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I like this quote by Oprah Winfrey![11] |
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This rating utilizes the 5 star system.[12] |
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Richard Templar. [13] |
Until next time...
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White Rose. [14] |
...many happy pages of reading.
Rules of Love: A Personal Code for Happier, More Fulfilling Relationships." amazon.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[2] “One
Direction Preferences: How HeApologizes After An Argument.” Wattpad.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[3] "The
Rules of Life, Expanded Edition: A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier,
More Successful Life." amazon.com Retrieved 04-23-14.
Lussier: Digital Strategy to Match Your Ambition." nathalielussier.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[6] "Magic-Wand." juliasmath.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[7] "What do you choose? Fear or Joy?" icfheadquarters.blogspot.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[8] "The First to Apologize." fineartamerica.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[9] "Why Is Apologizing So Hard?" bohemianbowmans.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[10] "Let the Guilt Go?" theminister.org. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[11] "Real Integrity." mediawebapps.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[12] "Manga Monday." read-a-holicz.blogspot.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[13] "Richard Templar." goodreads.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
[14] "Top 28 White Roses Pictures For Free Download." funstock.com. Retrieved 04-23-14.
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